Reflection on a childhood blunder

27 04 2012


I’m so zealously tugging on my father’s pant’s leg, that it’s a wonder they’re still  intact. Surely, my efforts  should have ripped them by now.

With the one hand I’m desperately vying for my father’s attention. With the other, I’m clutching a toy that I feel I must certainly have. My anxiety increases with every passing moment that he does not acknowledge me. Doesn’t he know that any second now that lady’s voice is going to come over the intercom and inform us that our table is ready? Then I’ll have to make myself content with occupying myself with that little triangular shaped toy where you have to jump the pegs. The thought isn’t nearly as appealing as what I hold in my fist.

I look up into the eyes of my… “You’re not my DAD!”My face flushes crimson as I stare, mortified, up into the face of a man who is most definitely NOT my father.Embarrassed, I scamper off to find my real Dad and hide myself behind him. Safe at last.

Have you ever stopped to think about whose attention you are seeking and why?

Even the most perfect of people will eventually disappoint us. When those disappointing times come, we must remember that we have disappointed other too, and treat them with grace.

Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!-1 Chronicles 16:11